March 21st
- Easter Egger Pullets
- Speckled Sussex Pullets
- Rhode Island Red Pullets
March 26th
- Olive Egger Pullets
- Blue Star Pullets
March 28th
- Buff Orpington Pullets
- Barred Rock Pullets
- Rhode Island Red Pullets
- Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Pullets
April 2nd
- Blue Star Pullets
- Cornish Cross Meat Birds*
- Barnevelder Pullets
- Olive Egger Pullets
April 4th
- Cornish Cross Meat Birds*
- Easter Egger Pullets
- White Leghorn Pullets
- Speckled Sussex Pullets
April 18th
- Easter Egger Pullets
- White Leghorn Pullets
- Speckled Sussex Pullets
April 23rd
- Assorted Ducklings
- Cornish Cross Meat Birds*
April 24th
- Lavender Orpington Pullets
- Assorted Cochin Bantams*
April 30th
- Cornish Cross Meat Birds*
- Rudd Ranger Meat Birds*
- Barnevelder Pullets
- Olive Egger Pullets
May 7th
- Assorted Ducklings*
- Buff Brahma Pullets
- Light Brahma Pullets
- Assorted Cochin Bantams*
May 9th
- Cornish Cross Meat Birds*
- Rhode Island Red Pullets
- Speckled Sussex Pullets
May 14th
- Blue Star Pullets
- Sapphire Gem Pullets
May 16th
- Cornish Cross Meat Birds*
- Rudd Ranger Meat Birds*
- Easter Egger Pullets
May 20th
- Cuckoo Maran Pullets
- French Blue Copper Maran Pullets
- French Black Copper Maran Pullets
May 21st
- Red Star Pullets
- Amberlink Pullets
- Blue Star Pullets
May 30th
- Cornish Cross Meat Birds*
- Assorted Guinea Keets*
- Rhode Island Red Pullets
- Speckled Sussex Pullets
June 4th
- Cornish Cross Meat Birds*
June 5th
- Bronze Turkeys*
- White Turkeys*
- Assorted Silkie Bantams*
Please note that all dates and breeds are subject to change at any time. Follow us on Facebook for updates.
Rare breeds are available in limited quantities. All chicks first come first serve. No reservations.
* Indicates straight run