Kelley Farm & Garden

Timothy Sunset /lb

Timothy Sunset /lb

Seeding Rate: New 10-15lb/acre, Mix in 3-8lb
Sunset II Brand Timothy is a winter hardy, high yielding, high quality, late heading timothy. It heads 5 days later than Climax and is especially well suited for use with Nordic Brand birdsfoot trefoil or with an alfalfa on soils where the first cutting of alfalfa may be delayed. It is also a good match with red clover.
Sunset II Brand Timothy was developed in Northern Minnesota, and based on its origin and current performance it is well suited throughout the Northeastern states, Eastern Canada and Ohio. It was selected for improved yield, persistence and improved summer performance.
When grown alone, no legume, and properly fertilized with nitrogen, Sunset II is a high yielding, high quality, late heading timothy for hay or silage.

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